Premiere Downtown Los Angeles Film LocationIN THE HEART OF THE ARTS DISTRICT
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We offer same-day filming, weekly and daily rates for this location. The site features base camp and parking lot accommodations, multiple rooms for staging equipment – all centrally located in the Arts District of Downtown Los Angeles.
Licha’s Bar and Grill
The bar is the most used room in the building because of its retro feel and look. Built in 1913 the bar was fully functional until a few years ago but now it has been closed and is being used for filming only.
Click on an image to explore the building.

building specifications
Survey the technical aspects of the property with floor plans, measurements and images of additional props and assets.

A historic century-old hotel in the Downtown LA Arts District.
The Hotel is complete with an authentic, iconic, grungy, downbeat corner dive bar, that would not be out of place in an LA Noir film or a Charles Bukowski novel.
Set between the historic 7th Street Bridge originally built in 1910 and the new $600 million 6th Street Bridge completed last year, the location is central, versatile, and geared towards filming.
The Rendon Hotel was originally built in 1912 to house workers at the Ford Model T Factory across the road; the building boasts a brick facade, metal fire escapes, and aesthetic, versatile staging environments inside and out.

take a tour
For a free tour or to book a film date contact us
2055 E. 7th St
Los Angeles, CA 90021
1053 S Main St
Los Angeles, CA 90015